Saturday, August 31, 2019

Literary criticism Essay

Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural writing. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn from books and literature; we enjoy the triumphs and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow through our literary journey with books. In conclusion, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author’s message. However we interpret literature, there is still an artistic quality to the works. Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is both universal and individual, and in many ways it affects us, for the better. When some people think of the word â€Å"Literature† they think of books like, Walden, Old man and the Sea, Tom Sawyer, Great Expectations, or Moby Dick. These are what some call â€Å"the classics. † While these few books are indeed literature do we subconsciously judge other books based on the styling’s of these few? People believe that the true meaning of â€Å"Literature,† is a literary work in which the readers mind is opened to new concepts and ideals. For a writing to be called â€Å"Literature† it doesn’t have to be considered a â€Å"Classic† nor does it need to follow the same construct as these so called â€Å"Classics†. The book, 11/23/63, is much more of a form of â€Å"Literature† than A Tale of Two Cities. Based solely on the fact that in the Stephen King novel, he places the thought of, â€Å"What if? † into your mind.. Whereas, â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†, depicts the plight of the French peasantry in the years leading up to the revolution, as opposed to opening your mind. While A Tale of Two Cities, shows you what life was like in those times. Stephen King shows you an alternate universe in which there was but one change, and how that one change affects how history takes its course. When the author helps your mind, explore worlds of endless possibility, or sheds light on a new way to perceive things. That is when the author has created a â€Å"True† work of literary merit. The thing about the term, â€Å"Literature†, is that it doesn’t have just one meaning. Literature is comprised of many things, but while Webster definition of â€Å"Literature† is, â€Å"the production of literary work especially as an occupation. † The â€Å"True† meaning is open to interpretation, meaning that one person’s definition of the word may be completely different than another person’s definition. This is both the great and horrid thing about the term. When scholars classify writing as literature, they often consider it a book or writing that has stood the test of time and despite its age it has surpassed many other great works through history by receiving merit from the scholars, based on their description of the word, influential. You may agree that it should be considered a piece of â€Å"Literature†, if it has done this, and you would be right, but what if it was a great piece of literary art that didn’t become a best seller? And thus was cast into the abyss to be forgotten until stumbled across one day by a mind ready to take in what the author wanted to say. Would you consider it â€Å"Literature? † Or would you just leave it in the abyss because it never became a best seller? Take Moby Dick for example, it is considered to be one of the Great American Novels and a treasure of world literature. However, it never received enough credit to title it a â€Å"Best seller. †One literary work, also helps define my idea of the word Literature, is The Hobbit by J. R. R Tolkien. The reason I consider this a piece of â€Å"Literature† is because of the amount of imagery Tolkien uses to bring his world to life in the imagination of the reader. In this excerpt from that book, he describes every thought of the characters and his use of imagery helps create the scene in the mind of the reader. â€Å"The dark came into the room from the little window that opened in the side of The Hill; the firelight flickered-it was April-and still they played on, while the shadow of Gandalf’s beard wagged against the wall. The dark filled all the room, and the fire died down, and the shadows were lost, and still they played on. And suddenly first one and then another began to sing as they played, deep-throated singing of the dwarves in the deep places of their ancient homes; and this is like a fragment of their song, if it can be like their song without their music. † (The Hobbit, Page 15) Tolkien’s powerful use of imagery in that passage painted a clear picture of what happens while the dwarves sing. However, Splatterpunk also uses powerful imagery to paint pictures. The key difference between the imagery used Splatterpunk and the imagery used in The Hobbit, is how the imagery is used. In the novel, The Cipher, which combined intensely poetic language and lavish grotesqueries, the author, uses imagery to place the pictures into the mind of the reader using powerful and descriptive words. As opposed to Tolkien, who draws upon the reader’s imagination with basic descriptions to help create a sketch in his mind. Now, many would not consider this a form of â€Å"Literature† due to the lack of personal connection between the story and the reader. However, I consider this book, and even this passage alone, to be a form of â€Å"Literature† solely because it opens my mind to a new world full of adventure and intrigue, while keeping the reader glued to the book during the time he reads. Imagery is a powerful tool for both the author and the reader, for if the author isn’t clear with his use of imagery it breaks the reader’s attention and allows him to be lost within the story, and not in a good way. Tolkien also uses diction to place an image into the readers mind, and he does this in such a way the reader begins to sing the song in his own head. Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To claim our long-forgotten gold. Goblets they carved there for themselves And harps of gold; where no man delves There lay they long, and many a song Was sung unheard by men or elves. The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches blazed with light (The Hobbit, Page 16) Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is both universal and individual, and in many ways it affects us, for the better. In ways we sometimes may never understand. Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author’s message in one way, while someone else finds the message a different way. In this way we see how the definition of â€Å"Literature,† is subjective to both the readers own interpretation, and the overall meaning of the work. Because even when it is ugly, literature is beautiful. Sources Cited Tolkien, John R. R. The Hobbit. N. p. : George Allen & Unwin, 1937. 15. Web.

The Brain and Language, Personal Memory, and Self-Awareness

Sahan Ratnayake Development of Language and its influence on self-awarness, personal memory, and higher emotion. Language is defined as the system of linguistic signs or symbols considered in the abstract. Language is purely a human concept. Though it is used by many animals on the planet, no other animal uses language to the extent or complexity as humans do. This is in part to the larger brain size of humans as opposed to animals. Our closest animal relative, the chimpanzee, has a brain size of around 400cc, while humans have a brain that weighs around 1300cc.This larger brain, as allowed humans to use language more efficiently to achieve its goals. With the development of language rose the characteristics that make us human: self-awareness, higher emotion, and personal memory. Though it is impossible to determine when language arose, it has been theorized that the growth of language coincided with the increase in brain volume. The brain is the control system of the body. All aspec ts of human behavior, language, reflexes, emotions, memory, are controlled by separate structure of the brain.Within these structures are billions of neurons, specialized cells that transmit information throughout the brain in the form of electrical signals. The brain is split into two hemispheres, the left hemisphere controlling the activities of the right side, and the right hemisphere controlling the activities of the left side. Regarding language, it was discovered that the left hemisphere of the brain is largely responsible for controlling language. More specifically, the outer surface of the central hemisphere, the cortex, is regarded as the center of human speech and language processing.Two structure of the cortex, Broca’s and Wernicke’s are responsible for speech production and understanding of written and spoken language, respectively. The development of language isn’t due solely to a larger brain, but also to genes and the physiological anatomy of huma ns. In the 1990s, geneticists discovered the FOXP2 gene. The FOXP2 gene is used for proper brain and lung development. Upon testing the gene, geneticists discovered that mutation to the FOXP2 gene caused severe speech and language disorder, leading scientists to conclude that the gene is essential in speech and language production.The physical anatomy of humans is also a major component in producing speech and language. These speech organs are the lungs, the voice box, the throat, the mouth, and the nose. Speech is an air pressure that travels from the speaker to the listener. The lungs produce the air pressure for speech while the rest of the speech organs shape this air pressure to create the final sounds that reach the listener’s ears. For years, scientists have tried to explain the origin of language.Though several theories have been put forth to explain the origin of language, there is no evidence to support any of them. Some scientists have theorized that language is so complex that it cannot exists in the form modern humans use today but must have evolved from our human ancestors. This theories are called continuity-based theories. There are other scientists that argue that human language is unique to humans, leading to the lack of evidence for its existence, and that it suddenly appeared in the evolution from early human ancestors to the humans that we are today.Yet there are other scientist that argue that language is embedded in the human genetic code, and others who see language is cultural, learned through social interaction. Though no solid evidence for any of these theories can be found in the early human ancestors, it is fairly certain that the earliest human ancestors to use language were Homo heidelbergensis, thought to be the common ancestor between Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens. Recent archaeological finds have shown that H. heidelbergensis had an ear structure similar to that of H. apiens, which means that they could pick up the same sound frequencies modern humans could. Although this doesn’t necessarily mean they used language to communicate with one another, it is proof that H. heidelbergensis did have a system of communication. With the development of language came the ability of humans to become self-aware. Self-awareness is the ability to recognize oneself as an individual that is separate from its environment and other individuals. Self-awareness isn’t possible without inner speech. It is inner speech that llows individuals to question the past, present, and future. It allows them to think about themselves and to evaluate their actions. Several experiments have shown that, when individuals were asked to talk to themselves or to participate in self-relevant tasks. While doing so, it was discovered that in most people the Broca’s area in the left hemisphere of the brain, showed activity. The Broca’s area on the left hemisphere is used for inner speech. People whose Broc a’s area was damaged showed that they couldn’t talk to themselves and lost the process of self-awareness.Regarding the self-aware and self-relevant tasks, fMRI scans have shown that the Broca’s area lights up. This proves that language is essential for the task of self- evaluation. Literature has also given many example of self-awareness and the development of language. In the Greek work, Illiad, that lack of subjectivity by the characters and their insistence on divine intervention suggests that the language areas of the brain weren’t as developed as they are now, causing them to credit the â€Å"gods† for their actions, good and bad.However, in the Odyssey, the use of the pronoun â€Å"I† and Odysseus’s rebellion against the gods suggests that the Broca’s area is much more developed, thus a more developed self-awareness. Language is also responsible for the human trait of memory. Memory is defined as memory from episodes in o ne’s life. Personal memory is also referred to as personal event memory. Neurologically, memory is stored in the hippocampus and the amygdala. Studies have shown that the hippocampus become active during recollection of memories. The amygdala is used in the recollection of emotional memories.Language is an essential part of recalling a memory. Experiments by Tessler and Nelson in 1993, where a child was asked to talk about a visit to a museum. It was discovered that the child couldn’t recall anything that wasn’t told to him by his mother. This suggests that language is a key component in recalling a memory. Several other experiments with different age groups have shown that older kids remember more than the younger children, which means that since the older kids have a broader vocabulary than the younger kids, the older participants are able to remember and recall a more vivid memory of a past event.Language is also an essential part of the human trait of higher emotion. Higher emotion differs from emotion. Emotion, also known as basic emotions, stem from the mammalian brain of humans and the amygdala. Such emotions, for example fear, are necessary for survival. Higher emotions arise in the pre-frontal cortex, a relatively new part of the brain. Higher emotions such as love, are abstract emotion; they cannot be expressed using physical movement whereas fear, a basic emotion can be expressed using facial expressions or simulation.Language is extremely important for the expression of higher emotions. Language allows humans to explain, as well as understand, higher emotions. Language is necessary for all human advancements. Humans have used language to a greater extent than do apes. Though the origin of language is uncertain, it is undisputed that our earlier ancestors, H. hidelbergensis, were able to communicate and language passed down from them to H. sapiens. Language has also allowed humans to become aware of themselves, to develop memory , and to have higher emotions, characteristics that make H. apiens unique. Works Cited 1. Plontke, Ronny. Language and Brain. N. p. , 13 Mar. 2003. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. 2. Rumbaugh, Sue Savage. â€Å"Human Language-Human Consciousness. †Ã‚  A « On the Human. N. p. , n. d. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. . 3. Morin, Alan. â€Å"Language and Self-awareness. †Ã‚  Science & Consciousness Review. N. p. , 2 Aug. 2007. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. . 4. Morin, Alan. â€Å"Inner Speech and Conscious Experience. †Ã‚  Science & Consciousness Review. N. p. , 20 Apr. 2003. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. . 5. â€Å"Speech Anatomy. †Ã‚  Speech Anatomy. N. p. , n. d. Web. 28 Oct. 012. . 6. â€Å"Language. †Ã‚  Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n. d. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. . 7. â€Å"Rebecca's Dystopia. †Ã‚  : The Link Between Memory and Language. N. p. , n. d. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. . 8. â€Å"Neanderthal Behavior. †Ã‚  Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Oct. 2012. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. . 9. â⠂¬Å"FOXP2. †Ã‚  Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n. d. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. . 10. â€Å"Language and Emotion. †Ã‚  Language and Emotion. N. p. , n. d. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. . 11. â€Å"Personal Event Memory. †Ã‚  Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Oct. 2012. Web. 27 Oct.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Corporation, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship? 

Corporation, partnership, or sole  proprietorship? Now that you have decided to start your own business, you will have to determine what business structure or form of organization suits your needs. The structure of your business will depend on whether you want to run your business yourself or with a partner or associates. There are four types of business structures: sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations and cooperatives. On this page: 1. 1. Sole proprietorship 2. 2. Partnerships 3. 3. Corporations 4. 4. Cooperatives 1. Sole proprietorship^TopWith this type of business organization, you would be fully responsible for all debts and obligations related to your business and all profits would be yours alone to keep. As a sole owner of the business, a creditor can make a claim against your personal or business assets to pay off any debt. Advantages: * Easy and inexpensive to form a sole proprietorship (you will only need to register your business name provincially, except in N ewfoundland and Labrador) * Relatively low cost to start your business * Lowest amount of regulatory burden * Direct control of decision making Minimal working capital required to start-up * Tax advantages if your business is not doing well, for example, deducting your losses from your personal income, lower tax bracket when profits are low, and so on * All profits will go to you directly Disadvantages: * Unlimited liability (if you have business debts, personal assets would be used to pay off the debt) * Income would be taxable at your personal rate and, if your business is profitable, this may put you in a higher tax bracket * Lack of continuity for your business, if you need to be absent * Difficulty raising capital on your own 2.Partnerships^Top A partnership would be a good business structure if you want to carry on a business with a partner and you do not wish to incorporate your business. With a partnership, you would combine your financial resources with your partner into th e business. You can establish the terms of your business with your partner and protect yourself in case of a disagreement or dissolution by drawing up a specific business agreement. As a partner, you would share in the profits of your business according to the terms of your agreement. You may also be interested in a limited liability partnership in the business.This means that you would not take part in the control or management of the business, but would be liable for debts to a specified extent only. When establishing a partnership, you should have a partnership agreement drawn up with the assistance of a lawyer, to ensure that: * You are protecting your interests * That you have clearly established the terms of the partnership with regards to issues like profit sharing, dissolving the partnership, and more * That you meet the legal requirements for a limited partnership (if applicable) Advantages: Easy to start-up a partnership * Start-up costs would be shared equally with you an d your partner * Equal share in the management, profits and assets * Tax advantage, if income from the partnership is low or loses money (you and your partner include your share of the partnership in your individual tax return) Disadvantages: * Similar to sole proprietorship, as there is no legal difference between you and your business * Unlimited liability (if you have business debts, personal assets would be used to pay off the debt) * Hard to find a suitable partner Possible development of conflict between you and your partner * You are held financially responsible for business decisions made by your partner (for example, contracts that are broken) 3. Corporations^Top Another business structure is to incorporate your business. This can be done at the federal or provincial level. When you incorporate your business, it is considered to be a legal entity that is separate from the owners and shareholders. As a shareholder of a corporation, you will not be personally liable for the d ebts, obligations or acts of the corporation.When making such decisions, it is always wise to seek legal advice before incorporating. Advantages: * Limited liability * Ownership is transferable * Continuous existence * Separate legal entity * Easier to raise capital * Possible tax advantage as taxes may be lower for an incorporated business Disadvantages: * A corporation is closely regulated * More expensive to incorporate than a partnership or sole proprietorship * Extensive corporate records required, including shareholder and director meetings, and documentation filed annually with the government * Possible conflict between shareholders and directors Possible problem with residency of directors More information: To learn more about incorporation, please consult the following information: * Guide to Federal Incorporation Step by step guidelines to help you incorporate your business and set up an appropriate structure. Provincial or territorial  incorporation Alberta * Corporate Registry To conduct business in Alberta, register your cooperative, corporation, extra-provincial company, non-profit company, society, trade name and/or partnership. Manitoba * Companies Office – Business name registration and provincial ncorporation (Manitoba) How do you register your business, and what do you need to know about provincial incorporation? New Brunswick * Incorporation / Registration of a business Find out about the rules, procedures and fees for registering a provincial corporation in New Brunswick. * Incorporation of non-profit companies (New Brunswick) Find out about the rules, procedures and fees for incorporating a not-for-profit company in New Brunswick. Newfoundland and Labrador * Registry of Companies (Newfoundland and Labrador)In Newfoundland and Labrador, you must register with the Registry of Companies if you decide to incorporate provincially. Northwest Territories * Corporate Registry — Co-operative Associations Are you looking to establis h and incorporate a co-operative within the Northwest Territories? Find out the rules pertaining to starting your venture and what is needed to remain compliant with the law. * Corporate Registry — Business Corporations Are you looking to incorporate your business? Find out how you can register to do business in the Northwest Territories. Corporate Registry — Societies Are you interested in starting a society or non-profit organization? Find out the benefits of incorporation and what you are required to do at the territorial and federal levels. Nova Scotia * Business incorporation and registration (Nova Scotia) Incorporate your business provincially through the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies. Nunavut * Business corporations — Territorial corporations – (Nunavut) Find out how to incorporate as a territorial business in Nunavut. Ontario * Ontario Business IncorporationIncorporate your Ontario business online, in person, or by mail. * Professi onal corporations Find out how you can incorporate your practice in Ontario for specific regulated professions. * Correcting errors on your Ontario corporation documents You can ask to have errors corrected in documents you have filed for your Ontario corporation. * Making changes to your corporate information Find out how to make changes to the information about your Ontario corporation, including its name, address and number of directors. * How to merge Ontario corporationsDo you have two or more active Ontario business corporations that you would like to merge? * Involuntary dissolution of Ontario business corporations Your corporation can be dissolved or cancelled if it has failed to comply with specific rules and regulations. * Reviving your corporation You may be able to revive your Ontario corporation if it was involuntarily dissolved within the past 20 years. * Incorporation (Not-for-Profit Corporations) You can incorporate your not-for-profit organization provincially with the Government of Ontario. Making Changes to Your Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporation Find out how to make changes to the information about your Ontario not-for-profit corporation. * Reviving your Ontario not-for-profit corporation You can restart your previously cancelled Ontario not-for-profit corporation by filing an Application for Revival. Quebec * Incorporate a business (Quebec) Learn the steps to incorporate your business in Quebec, especially the forms to be filled out and the application process. Saskatchewan * Incorporating Your Business in SaskatchewanFind out how to incorporate your business in Saskatchewan, including the fees, the forms required and the turn-around time. * Forming a Non-Profit Corporation in Saskatchewan Find out how to register your non-profit corporation in Saskatchewan, including the fees, the forms required and the turn-around time. 4. Cooperatives^Top The last business structure you could create is a cooperative. With a cooperative, you would have a business that would be owned by an association of members. This is the least common form of business, but can be ppropriate in situations where a group of persons or businesses decide to pool their resources to provide access to common needs, such as the delivery of products or services, the sale of products or services, employment, and more. Advantages: * Owned and controlled by members * Democratic control (one member, one vote) * Limited liability * Profit distribution Disadvantages: * Possible conflict between members * Longer decision-making process * Participation of members needed for success * Extensive record keeping * Less incentive to invest additional capital

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Discuss how the media has influenced visions of female sexuality in Essay

Discuss how the media has influenced visions of female sexuality in the 21st century - Essay Example Over the years, women have worked hard to attain high levels of education and gain higher positions within the workforce ladder. However, a gender gap still exists even in these modern days where women’s goals and aspirations have been misrepresented. The media has played one of the greatest roles in this as it has conditioned the masses to believe that women’s success is based on their appearance and attractiveness (Gentile 2). Despite the fact that women work hard to earn these good jobs and vital roles in the society, they still feel the need to appear attractive in order to feel a real sense of success. The media through its advertisements and television programmes has only portrayed attractive women to be successful. As the young children grow assimilating these images in their minds, they can only combine women’s success and their appearances (Goh-Mah 2013). The media has created ideals of a perfect female body when presenting women throughout their broadcastings in the modern society. The media has programmed people to believe that tall, lean, and light skinned women are a symbol of beauty in the society. This has been emphasised by the fashion and entertainment industries, which are mostly viewed by the young generation. Advertisements have upheld and continued to portray this belief as they clearly depict a picture where a woman will enhance her appearance just to attract a man that she will get married to (Strohmeier 2013). These are marketing ploys to ensure that these companies sell numerous beauty products, shoes, clothes and other commodities. Youngsters do not understand this and they grow up already having a perception that model-like figures and accessories are symbols of beauty. This has led to the development of self-esteem issues among many people who don’t possess these features, therefore, taking some people to ex treme measures

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

NetFlix company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

NetFlix company - Essay Example To overlook this essential aspect would lead to misdirection in the company’s plans for the future. This obvious neglect of the customer’s welfare in the mission statement might have been the underlying reason why in 2011 Netflix committed the mistake of increasing its subscription prices. Netflix had to pay greatly for the said oversight which resulted in a sharp decline in its subscriber base and its stock price. Due to Netflix’s CEO Reed Hasting’s huge desire to slowly abandon its DVD operations, he decided to separate the DVD business from the streaming business and to increase the price of their subscription plans (Sandoval , par 4). Clearly, there was a blunder on Hasting’s part to do such move. What led him to commit such a major slip-up? What can be said is that it all goes back to the mission statement. There is no concern for the market that they serve. Hasting’s main concern was to be aggressive and focus on streaming, before their competitors get ahead of them. It is what is stated in their vision, to be the global leader in the enter tainment distribution service, no matter what their customers feel. Given this background, it is highly recommended that Netflix restate its mission statement to take into account the people who have made them where they are today, their subscribers. It is suggested that Netflix’s mission statement and vision for the future should be: Netflix is dedicated to becoming the best global entertainment distribution service by entering into licensing agreements with television and movie producers and distributors around the world; by creating markets that are accessible to film makers and by assisting content creators around the world to find a global audience, but at all times, recognizing that our responsibility first and foremost is to offer stellar service to our subscribers, through quantity and quality

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Balance scorecard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Balance scorecard - Essay Example The Balance Scorecard is a framework or tool for measurement of sustainability of an organization which acts as a decision support system for the management for taking necessary action in order achieve sustainability of business operations in the long run In order to maintain sustainability of business, it requires constant monitoring of business operation which needs to be measured and quantified as per certain parameters that are preset. The various perspectives, with the help of which the performance of an organization are measured are namely financial perspective, customer’s perspective, internal perspective and learning perspective (Niven, 2005, p.49). The performance in these internal and external areas supported by proper funding and training of human capital are essential for sustainable growth of business of a company. Each perspective of growth of the company is assigned a metric and a target value against which the performance of the company is measured. The financi al objectives of the company are growth of revenue, growth of operating profits and solvency of the company in short term as well as long term (Olve and  Sjostrand, 2006, p.43). The fulfilment of these objectives is essential in order to achieve sustainability in business operations. The revenue growth is measured by an annual rate of growth and a target value is assigned against which the actual growth rate is measured. The growth of operating profits is measured by the amount of earnings before interest and tax as a percentage of sales. The metric for short term solvency is the current ratio and for long term solvency is the long term debt-equity ratio. The actual performance of the companies in any industry is measured against these metrics and the achievement of these metrics against the target values. The performance on sustainability of the company from customer’s perspective is measured by the average transaction size of customers, annual rate of increase in customer base and percentage reduction of customer complaints. The measurement of the company’s performance against the target values of these metrics supports the decision making process of the management. The internal performance of the company is measured by evaluating the performance to fulfil the objectives of product innovation, quality of service, sustenance of domestic market share, etc. These are measured by the metrics namely, the percentage of expenses for research and development with respect to the revenues earned, average turnaround time, percentage of market share, etc (Kaplan and  Norton, 1996, p.79). The actual performance of the company against the target value of these metrics helps the management to take decision to attain sustainability of the organization. The final perspective is the learning perspective which helps the companies in any industry to retain their employees and train them for sustainable operations and development. The learning performance of th e companies could be measured with the help of metrics like employee turnover, annual hours of training of the employees and average compensation. The comparison of actual values of these metrics against the target values helps the business to take decisions on sustainability (Blokdijk, 2008, p.88). The Balance Scorecard provides insight to the management on the different areas of business management and also allows them to take necessary steps for ensuring sustainability of business. Strengths and Limitations of Balance Scorecard The balanced scorecard is an important strategic performance measurement tool and semi-standard structured report that helps the managers to keep track of several activities executed by the staffs. In addition, this tool effectively monitors the consequences arising from several organizational actions. This part of the essay will determine several

Monday, August 26, 2019

Eat2Eat Case analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Eat2Eat Case analysis - Essay Example Indirectly therefore, there are two groups of clients that the company serves. The first of these are the restanrants to whom gives buyers to. The second are the buyers or online users of the website who make the actual reservations. However, in the context of this case analysis, much of reference to clients shall refer to the latter. Eat2Eat.Com uses a business model that grinds on the whiles of promotion of fine dining in the Asia Pacific region through the use of internet-based portal. This business model requires that the company works directly with subscribers to their website, such that the more subscribers the company has, the more customers they have and thus the more profits the will make. Presently, this business model has been introduced in nine identical geographic markets, spanning around countries in the Asia Pacific region and abroad. As far as the Asia Pacific region is concerned, this business model could be described as unique as it is the first of its k ind in the region. Fortunately, Eat2Eat.Com has received positive results from a brand recognition that has been established in the region in the last five years, leading to increases in sales at a rate of 42% from 2004 - 2005 Specific strategy that the company is using to implement its business model The implementation of the said business model has revolved around the use of specific strategies, which are discussed in this section of the writing. Generally, the strategy used by the company was based on two major factors, which are market segmentation and approach to market (Browne and Cudeck, 1992). As far as market segmentation is concerned, there was a strategy to focus solely on what Aggawal referred to as first-tier restaurants. These are restaurants perceived to be of the higher class status that are moderately expensive, popular and accepts reservations (Wofford and Liska, 1993). Much of the strategy used on the market segment was personalized as Aggawal made personal approa ches to these restaurants to personally win their indulgence and approval to be supplied with reservations. Reviews on the restaurants were also undertaken on a personalized basis by Aggawal and his employees. As far as approach to market is concerned, Eat2Eat had a strategy o focusing mainly on corporate customers rather than personal customers. This is because most of these corporate institutions made reservations for diners for various programs and activities. However with time, personal customers would be included because within the various companies, about 15% of employees would register to be part of the service. Out of the 15%, 10% of registered employees would eventually become active members on the company’s website. The strategy has also fairly involved the incorporation of services whereby customers looking for online reservations are automatically redirected to the website of Eat2Eat.Com. Another important feature is when the company went mobile, operating on mobi le devices. In totality however, it would be noted that the company is currently operating a focused culture strategy that takes all its inspiration from the Asia Pacific region. Effectiveness of the management team and CEO are in implementing the business model Availability of company statistics, financial statements and research data makes it very easy to assess the effectiveness of th

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Breeze of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Breeze of Change - Essay Example I knew I had to start working towards achieving my dreams. I did not want to be caught up by death before realizing my full potential. I needed to travel the world and learn about other people. I always felt that the future was in the air. Everywhere I went, I would feel the future blowing in the wind of change. I had many things I wanted to change in my life and those of others. I hoped to see a world where people respected each other’s culture. I wanted a world where people appreciated and celebrated their diversity. Even up to today, I have always had the passion to learn other people culture, and I am glad I have partially done so. Because I believe this will enable me, understand and appreciate others. Early years were characterized by numerous trips to different countries. In every trip, I learned something that changed my life. My trips outside the United States helped me understand other people’s culture. I learned to accept other people’s point of views no matter how much they differed they were from my own. When I visited Baha’i Temple in Wilmette in Illinois, I realized the significance of religion. Since I value my own religion and I promised myself to appreciate other people’s culture and religion. This was reinforced when I attended a Catholic-sponsored high school, which made me realize that Catholics are very receptive of other religions. The experience changed my life and I wanted to be receptive to other people’s culture, and opinions. Attending college enabled me to meet people from different places. I learned the dynamics of socialization. A chance to be in the army strengthened me physically and mentally. I realized that every experience was a lesson for me. Death has always scared me in some way. When my 14-year old cousin and my great uncle died on the same day, I realized how death could cut short our ambitions. It was traumatizing to see someone die at such an early age. I decided to live each d ay to the full and always do my best. When I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Art and History, I was excited. Nevertheless, I knew I had to find a job. The job searching process turned out to be tougher than I thought. My parents were there for me, and they taught me the importance of being there for others. However, I ended up deciding on doing volunteer work. It was an opportunity to touch other people’s lives. During my volunteer at Navajo Reservation, I realized of the sufferings that American Indians go through. During my work, I learned that no amount of textbook learning could teach us about new and unknown cultures. Working with people from diverse culture taught me how to deal with others. I was glad I took the opportunity to help them. My international trip to Mexico, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, North, and South Carolina helped me realize how rampant racism and bigotry were. People still judged others in terms of their culture. When I moved to Albuquerque in New Mexico, I was prepared for what lay ahead.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Disease Genetic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disease Genetic - Essay Example Genetic diseases are caused by gene mutations, genetic and environmental factors, and chromosomal errors (NG, Zazove, Sobel. Genes are a part of DNA, which carry codes for proteins, responsible for performing vital functions in the body. Any alteration of the gene is called mutation. It distorts the structure of proteins they encode, disrupting their function and causing diseases. Single-gene disorders results from mutation in a single gene. Multiple gene mutations coupled with environmental factors lead to multi-factorial disorders. Another cause of genetic disorders is chromosomal errors. Chromosomes are structures that carry DNA and genes. Errors such as change in the number of chromosomes cause genetic diseases. An excess or lack of chromosomes results in inappropriate numbers of genes which eventually affects bodily functions. Also, at times, parts of chromosomes are missing or transfer between chromosomes, which lead to diseases. Moreover, mutations can occur in the chromosomes of mitochondria; organelles responsible for cellular respiration, and cause problems such as

Friday, August 23, 2019

SEVERAL TOPICS Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SEVERAL TOPICS - Coursework Example The most anxiety disorders are treatable though they are very painful since medication is therapy where one will have to go different stages of therapy (Donna 11). I agree with Doctor Barlow about the disorder, where the genes and the environment play a major role in the anxiety disorder. Those genes that are prone to the anxiety they interact with environment in which the individual is and this may lead to one having an attack and thus unable to control it. Since panic attack is one of the major characteristic of anxiety disorders of living on a thin line, it normally leads to phobia and thus the need to teach individuals on matters relating to disorder. The adrenal glands should be active enough so that it is able to produce adrenaline which will be able to control the activities that surrounds the individual or the environment in which one is operating in. If the adrenal gland is not be active enough and fails to produce adrenaline then chances are that one will collapse since one is afraid of the situation. I agree with the posting on the article since it explains well the reason of individual having the anxiety disorder leading to attack. I agree with the posting on the article For Gay Men, an Attraction to a Different Kind of Scent since the article explains the functioning of the brain of individual for both the homosexual and heterosexual men. This is because the odor that may be involved during sexual activity depends on the human pheromones. This is because men produce testosterone while the women will produce estrogen thus the hypothalamus in the brain will have to react in a different way from the ordinary scents. Since the neurons will be active during sexual activity for the gay men then the possibility of reacting to different scents will be low since for men, it will be the same â€Å"testosterone† making it to share the same thing which will not double life (Nicholas 21). On the other hand, when

Strategic Financial Management(business report) Essay

Strategic Financial Management(business report) - Essay Example Barclaycard provides the following products / services in the UK: According to the latest company estimates2, nearly 10.1 million people in the UK carry Barclaycards, of which 565,000 are Barclaycard Business corporate card holders and currently the number of Barclaycard International cards in issue totals 7.6 million. The company has business relationships with close to 93000 retailers and merchants and 24 million outlets that accept Barclaycards globally. The detailed resource analysis involves an analysis of financial, marketing, operations and HRM policies of the company so as to provide an insight into the company’s strategic positioning and overall business performance in the above mentioned key areas. The Barclays group showed significant performance during the financial year 2007 in spite of adverse market conditions. The reduction of 1% in profit before tax was well compensated by the 3% rise in the profit before business disposals. The overall profit growth exceeded that of the previous year with a continuous development in its UK businesses as well as substantial investments in the international branches. The strategic decision of diversifying its business portfolio paid off well in terms of generating good shareholder value, which led to a declaration of an annual dividend amounting to 22.5p per share totaling 34p during the year, amounting to a total 10% increase. A sharp reduction of 11% in the retail impairment charges on loans and advances was observed during the year which fell from  £1,809m in 2006 to  £1,605m in 2007. There was a marked improvement in the Barclaycard impairment charges to an astonishing 21% which fell from  £1,067m in 2006 to  £838m in 2007. This reduction could mainly be attributed to the factors such as reduced flows into delinquency, reduction in the levels of arrears and lower charge – offs in UK

Thursday, August 22, 2019

High school Essay Example for Free

High school Essay ?Many high school students in Vietnam are confused whether or not they should be enforced to participate in volunteering. On September 30th 2011, Ms. Pham Phuong Thao started to share her opinions about this concern by writing the â€Å"Student- Help Our Country† article in Community Action Blog spot. On the contrary side, one month after that by 3rd October 2011, Mr. Andy Nguyen has posted â€Å"Student Deserve Choice† article on the same Blog space. These two authors represent completely different views on the topic â€Å"volunteering and students†. The aim of this essay is to critically respond to the authors argument. In Pham’s article, she asserts that it should be compulsory for Vietnamese high school students to do volunteering for helping with their society problems, for example, the problems of orphan and kid street or flooding. She has two strong points for supporting her view. First of all, she thinks that the students to do volunteering will help the society and also save the government budget. On the second point, she expresses that there are even benefits that the students can gain by attending in voluntary works. She explains in details that they can learn several useful soft skills such as leadership, communication interaction, planning, logistics in which they can apply in their future life. In contrast, Mr. Nguyen debates that it is impractical and unfair for high school students to be forced to do voluntary works in Vietnam. He also has two reasons for his argument He interprets that the student’s willingness to join in volunteering is the key point however in reality only few student want to donate like this way. He explains if the government try forcing unwilling people to volunteer, this work make less efficient. Besides, he concludes the government should be held on responsible for country‘s problems instead of fully relying on students volunteering. There are several problems with Pham’s argument that when the students attend in voluntary works they can gain various useful skills for their future life. The purpose of volunteerism is that they need entourage to work according to their requirements rather than giving the students official skill trainings. Therefore, there is not guarantee that students can get those skills are mentioned above. Besides, those skills are not suitable the kids who are studying high school period. Mr. Nguyen’s opinions deserve to get attention when he declares that the students do not concern on helping their humanity real problems such as the orphans, the street kids. And, they think they should have the right to make decision on their volunteering approach instead of forcing by government. It cannot be denied that Vietnamese high school students are affected by the poor quality education on the way from kindergarten to high school. The school never focuses on teaching about human value, self motivation and living skills but teaching a lot of redundant academic knowledge. Therefore, the students do not really want to share their life to help person who bears one’s tribulations. In additional, people must acknowledge that the â€Å"volunteer† definition means â€Å"a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service† (http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/volunteer). According to the above definition the enforcement of voluntary tasks does not make sense. Pham makes a weak statement when she supports that government should enforce the high school students to join in the volunteering due to lack of human resource. In contrary, Nguyen’ argument that government should solve country’s problems by themselves because the students are not eager to help, is more convincing. The government is the highest and the most powerful organization in the country so that they have full responsible for dealing with any national and social issues. They can determinate on using their yearly revenue. Take, for example, there are many parents put their children in front of orphan house because they cannot afford their living cost. The government can hire labor to build more orphan house and funding for those associations instead of spending the budget on sport and recreational activities. Another reason is kids who are at the high school age focus on general academic knowledge. More to the point, they also have not enough abilities to handle with society’s issues. Furthermore, it is true to say that most of high school students think they make their own choice to contribute in volunteering because they feel more comfortable and enthusiasm. Volunteering is a good works just in case kids do it with whole their hearts. In conclusion, Ms. Pham’s expression that government should force the high school students to join in the voluntary programs is not convincing the readers. In the contrast, Mr. Nguyen argues that the student can make their choice in volunteering is more persuading. Every nation always support for the freedom of their society so they respect the choice of their citizens. The most important is to provide the sufficient education so that people have enough knowledge to make their own decision.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages To Javascript Computer Science Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages To Javascript Computer Science Essay The ability to make site inspection data and real-time response, it should use the technology called AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a name for a group of technologies, including JavaScript, CSS and XML. It can run in Web browsers, enhanced interactivity, ease of use and speed. JavaScript may be a client-side scripting language developed by Netscape development. JavaScript is published since 1996. At the time, it supports Netscape Navigator 2.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0. XML (Extensible Markup Language) is designed to improve the data description, storage and exchange. It is published by the W3C in 1998. Its conceptual design and hierarchy node to provide good support for data storage. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language. It is used to separate the data layer and display layer in HTML. In other words CSS can provide a solution to be defined and looked at the web page format. The most important is the use of AJAX, use XHR (XMLHttpRequest) for playing Web server. XHR object created when a user will establish a connection to the Web server. XHR object occurs between the Web browser and Web server. XHR object will listen to the web server updates the Web page production part of the update. XHR then be adopted by the update to the web browser to update the Web page is part of it. This mechanism successfully reduced bandwidth usage and data processing. Widespread use of AJAX interactive Web pages, such as Google Maps, Google search suggested that the stock price quote. In our system, we will use JavaScript for validation, because JavaScript is a scripting language. JavaScript is the ability to use the function to verify the clients data input incorrect data and we want. For example, if you enter the correct date, month and year. In addition, JavaScript can prevent users from submitting data, if the data does not meet the system asks. In order for the site have the ability to validate data and respond in real time, it was a technology called AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to use. AJAX is a name of a group of technologies, including JavaScript, CSS and XML. It could run on a web browser and increase interactivity, user friendliness and speed. JavaScript could be a client-side scripting language developed by Netscape. JavaScript has been published since 1996. At that time, she supported Netscape Navigator 2.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0. XML (Extensible Markup Language) has been design, improve data description, storage and exchange. It published in 1998 by W3C. His concept nodes and the hierarchical structure also provide support for data storage. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language. It is used to separate the data layer and layer display in HTML. to provide other word to define a CSS could be fixed method and format to search the site. The most important use of AJAX is playing with XHR (XMLHttpRequest) to deal with web server. A XHR is made, user must connect to the Web server. The XHR object is passed between web browsers and web servers. The XHR object is heard on the Web Server Update Web site update a part. Then XHR will be going in the update to the web browser on the part of the web site to renew. This mechanism successfully, the bandwidth decreases with and data processing. AJAX has been cited widely by using interactive Web page, such as Google Map, Googles proposal and the share price. In our system, we will use JavaScript to do the validation, because JavaScript is a scripting language. JavaScript is able to function, but want that data, client input with real data confirm we are not. For example, it is input the correct day, month and year. In addition, JavaScript could prevent users from sending data when the data was not met, the system inquires. Pic 2.2 Create the variable At the beginning, the script would built a lot of variables that we will use (Pic 2.2). Pic 2.3 The validation function Then, we shall use the procedure to do the validation (Pic 2.3). On line 19, the code was used to begin checking by if loop with the conditions. The code on line 22 alert user à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Please select date for meter reading!à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ , if user have not enter the day. From line 25 to 41, the function was setup to notice user whether they are input the incorrect year, day, month, also the meter reading. Pic 2.4 The validation to the meter reading From line 52, the JavaScript will check the meter reading input. It will alert if user input the meter reading is less then previous or it is not a number. Pic 2.5 These code will disable the submit button From line 120 to 136, JavaScript will have the result from the script we have mention above. If user input incorrect data, the submit button will gray out to prevent user to press it. If the information is correct, the function will change the button to normal status and user can click it. Pic 2.6 The submit button The script of the line 147 to 160 on the send button. The Send button is with JavaScript (line 152), are playing to validate information. Since there is, if the browser do not play with JavaScript, allow line 155-158 users submit button without JavaScript. With JavaScript, there are some advantages and disadvantages. On the negative side, there are security and reliability problem. Because JavaScript runs on the client computer, they will be used in a position for malicious purposes such as: Dead code insertion code conversion, register re-allocation Some people stop running JavaScript, it will affect the system running. In addition, the results of its portable, it is fully operational and rely completely on the client side web browser. That is, when client browser does not support JavaScript, or not enough new version of some script failed in the current. Although JavaScript has some weaknesses, there are many positive feature to help developers become the first choice. First, JavaScript is not on the server side to load the current resources and increase server capacity to save. In other words, client JavaScript functions can immediately instead of waiting to respond Server. Second, JavaScript is relatively easy to learn and implement. It is an open source high-level language is, it is easy to implement, compared to other programming languages such as Python, Perl, C # Finally, a well-tolerated JavaScript language. It may be written in other web page in another language, like PHP and Perl. It may interact with other language for a variety of applications to play well. Finally, AJAX (JavaScript and XML in particular) offer the ability to validate our system, greatly reduce the occurrence of bad data, do. And cost reduced compatibility with PHP much development time. Finally, because it can run on the client side, saving them directly to server computing resources. It indirectly reduce administrative costs, hardware investment costs and save development costs.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Human Resource Planning Of Asda Management Essay

The Human Resource Planning Of Asda Management Essay The human resource planning is a persistent process by which it looks to assurance flexible re-sourcing connected to internal and external environmental pressures. An effective Human Resource planning can facilitate those two companies anticipating possible usual problems. Forward planning will allow the two companies developing and implementing successful approaches in relation with: à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Recruitment à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Selection à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Induction à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Training à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Retraining à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Career progression à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Development ASDA and Tesco both are the leading supermarket in UK. As I left ASDA and join in Tesco. Therefore I know the aim and objective of the both company. Both companies strategies are to ensure good customer service and increase the sales for business development. A good plan will help both companies following activity: ASDA: Evaluate future recruitment needed because ASDA needs staff that know the products that the company is selling and know how to put those products and make great offers in order to catch the customers attention and interest so they can buy them despite the actual economic situation Creating training programs for the employees as for example the store staff needs to have good communication skills, they need to put the products in the right place and always be updated Building up promotion and careers development to motivate the staff and offer them a better place to work so they can perform well. Avoid redundancy as it can have a bad effect on the other employees Evaluating future needed equipments, technology and premises. Controlling the staff wages and salaries while keeping the competitiveness of the salaries TESCO: Evaluate future recruitments needed as Tesco is increasingly expanding businesses and actually have more than 2482 Tesco Extra, superstores, Metro, Express etc. in more than 14 countries across the world. Creating training programs for the staff as the staff for example in the till needs to serve customer fast, also they need to have a good customer service. And they also have self-scanned tills for customer that make customer happier. Build up promotion and career development strategies which will benefit both the staff and the organization Avoid redundancy as this can affect the other workers they will be de-motivated and it will give a bad image to the organization Build a flexible workforce to meet up with the changing requirement and environment. Controlling the staff wages and salaries while in the mean times guaranteeing the competitiveness of the salaries Evaluating future necessities from equipments, knowledge, technology and premises. HRM MODEL USED IN BOTH COMPANIES: According to Truss et al. (1997) the development of human resource management from personnel management has produced a number of models and theories. There are two models most widely used in human resource management are the hard and soft forms which are based on different analyses and thoughts of management control plans and human nature. Soft and Hard models are used in ASDA and Tesco organisations as human resources planning which are most important in the organisational development. Hard and Soft models of HRM are discusses as follows: HARD HRM: Hard HRM pushes the resource characteristic of human resource management; Legge cited in Gill (1999) refers to this as Practical Instrumentalism. This hard model pushes HRMs give attention on the vital consequence of the close combination of human resource strategies, systems and performance with business strategy. Besides this viewpoint human resources are mainly an issue of production, cost of doing business more willingly than the only resource capable of turning inorganic factors of production in to wealth. Human Resources are analyses as passive, to be provided and organized as numbers and skills at the correct price, rather than the foundation of original force (Legge, 1995, cited in Gill, 1999). Hard HRM is as calculative and tough minded as any other branch of management, communicating through the tough language of business and economics. This emphasis on the quantitative, calculative and business-strategic aspects of managing the headcount has been termed human asset accounting (Storey, 1987). The hard HRM approach has some kinship with scientific management as people are reduced to passive objects that are not cherished as a whole people but assessed on whether they posses the skills/attributes the organisation requires (Legge, 1995; Vaughan, 1994; Storey, 1987; Drucker et al, 1996; Keenoy, 1990 cited in Gill, 1999). A different view of HRM is associated with the Michigan Business School (Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna, 1984). There are many similarities with the Harvard map but the Michigan model has a harder, less humanistic edge, holding that employees are resources in the same way as any other business resource. People have to be managed in a similar manner to equipment and raw materials. They must be obtained as cheaply as possible, used sparingly, and developed and exploited as much as possible ( SOFT HRM: Storey (1989) cited in Price (2011) describes that Soft form of human resource management characterised by Harvard model. Soft HRM put pressures on the human aspects of HRM. It is giving more attention with communication and motivation in the organisation. This model distinguished that people should guide properly rather than managed. They are more involved in influential and realizing planning objectives in the organisation ( However, Soft HRM places an importance on human and is linked with the human relations school of Herzberg and McGregor (Storey, 1987 cited in Gill, 1999). Legge (1995) cited in Gill (1999) refers to this as Developmental Humanism. at the same time as emphasising the significance of integrating HR strategies with Business objectives, the soft model emphasises on taking care of employees as valued resources and a source of competitive benefit through their promise, flexibility and excellent skill and performance. Employees are positive rather than inactive inputs into dynamic processes, competent of development, worthy of confidence and teamwork which is accomplished through contribution (Legge, 1995, pp 66-67 cited in Gill, 1999). The soft version is seen as a method of releasing untapped reserves of human resourcefulness by increasing employee commitment, participation and involvement. Employee commitment is sought with the expectation that effectiveness will follow as second-order consequences. Walton (1985, p. 79) suggests that a model that assumes low employee commitment and that is designed to produce reliable if not outstanding performance simply cannot match the standards of excellence set by 5 world-class competitors and discusses the choice that managers have between a strategy based on imposing control and a strategy based on eliciting commitment (Gill, 1999). The soft model of HRM is based on viewing the individual as a human being utilising human talent and capability and generating commitment from employees (linked with the Human relations movement-see work of Maslow, Mayo, McGregor and Herzberg). Other features of the soft approach include: Generating a motivated, skilled and harmonious workforce. Generating commitment to the organisation and its goals objectives, Strategies and organisational culture Winning individuals hearts and minds Treating human being as humans and not a resource or commodity Generating two-way communication between management and the workforce to promote commitment and harmony. HRM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT METHODS USED IN TESCO AND ASDA: Recruitment and selection process within ASDA. The recruitment processes within ASDA consist of 2 steps: Online application by which the applicant needs to fill in the information required in the application which may include some verbal, numerical and personality tests, which will enable the company gathering all the information that it need. And this will let ASDA decide whether the candidate is suitable or not. If the candidate succeed, the next step will depend on the role that the candidate applied for, the applicant will may be asked to attend interviews, or to a group assessment centre which the applicants will be asked to perform tasks designed to highlights the skills. Recruitment and selection process within Tesco The recruitment process of Tesco for example team members consist of two steps application. Online application which consist of filling in the information that the candidate is asked to do online which contain personal details, previous work experiences, qualifications, and additionally a questionnaire that put the candidate in real life situation for example if the customer service, dealing with complex situation with customer etc. Is the candidate have effectively passed the first application step, he or she will be called to the store for an OJE (On Job Evaluation) and a face to face interview. With the OJE which only last 15 minutes the manager will give the applicants tasks to do so he or she can see how the candidate perform in real life situation and the manager evaluate the candidate customer service and skills and then he or she reflected against what they are looking for in a candidate. And then after that the candidate will have an interview with the business managers. Finally he will asses the candidate meet their requirement or not. In comparing the two processes we can see that Tesco spend much more on recruiting and selecting than ASDA by using on job evaluation (OJE) system but despite it is taking more time, it is very effective as it shows and indicates if the candidate is the right person for the right job. STAFF TURNOVER: Marchington, M. Wilkinson, A (2007) in a study of CIPD (2004) finds that labour turnover rates vary considerably between industry sector and occupational group, at the same time as do the costs of recruitment. Most employers are more concern about collect statistics on labour turnover, but they also facing problem with lack of data or software issues (IRS Employment review 2004). Many employers also performs exit interviews, and both of these tasks are usually carried out by HR department where no involvement of line manager. The information is used to improve HR practices and policies such as communication, induction, learning and development and selection in an effort to reduce turnover (CIPD 2004b, p31). Perhaps the issue is the most difficult due to all cases of labour turnover are treated in the similar way, without giving any allowances for the performance levels and latent of the employees who quit from organization doing comparison with available employee. It is pointed that, manager is comparatively happy if an unskilled or poor performer were to leave, and there are suggestions from the researchers that if the future of the company is uncertain then employers in reality encourage turnover for not to carrying staff (Smith et al 2004 cited on Marchington, M. Wilkinson, A., 2007). On the other hand, if turnover was determined along with high-flyers or high skilled or highly experience and those who remained were unskilled or poor performers or lacked of ambitions, in that case this could have serious penalty for the organization. However, a high rate of labour turnover could be benefited for the company if the organizations aim is to trim back the workplace or reduce costs of production (Sadhev et al 1999 cited on Marchington, M. Wilkinson, A., 2007). Alternatively, Rubery et al (2004); Smith et al (2004) cited on Marchington, M. Wilkinson, A., (2007) argued that employers may come to a decision to use temporary employment agencies for recruiting staff so that they pass the problem to somewhere else. Glebbeek and Bax 2004 cited on Marchington, M. Wilkinson, A., 2007 point out that company should decide whether an optimum level of labour turnover with the mix of internal labour market and keep new recruits coming in, or whether the cost of turnover make most cases costly and unnecessary. According to Linda Maund (2001) some internal causes of an increasing labour turnover: The recruitment and selection procedure is not enough and imperfectly matches individuals to jobs. Employees are not well motivated and dont feel the organization from the core. S/he will consider better opportunities outside the organization and employee does not feel any interest to do better for the organization. Not equality in wages and salaries with competitors. THE EXIT PROCEDURES Tesco and ASDA both company paying attention of staff turnover percentages. They both are dedicated to find the way to reduce staff turnover in their company. For that reason they follow exit procedures who are leaving the job. Concerning Tesco and ASDA the exit procedures that this company follow is similar to other companies as it undertake an exit interview with the person who is leaving the job, so the staff will have the opportunity to give explanation their reasons for leaving the job, or in the case of the staff choosing another employer, or to air their grievance, all this helped Tesco to what it is now as those criticism helped the company to take decisions to change their policies, especially if this employee is leaving for a competitor. What Tesco and ASDA do is that despite the interview that make the manager listen to the staff and know the reason of leaving such as challenging work environment, salary, discrimination, promotion. If the employee is a good performer they try to keep him or she in the organization, as he or she is beneficial to the company and the organization doesnt want to loose of their staff because he may give more with the competitors and they can use the staff knowledge and what this staff has gained of knowledge against the previous company. And this is including the resignation of the staff. RETAIN EMPLOYEE: In the case of redundancy Tescos transfer staff to other superstores that are in need of workforce because as we know that Tesco in one of the fastest growing companies in the world, so in redundancy situation the company offers alternative job and all this is with discussion with the worker. The same thing applies to ASDA because this outplacement can keep this employees working and performing in the same level and improve confidence of the other employees and also it gives a good image about the two companies. However, Tesco and ASDA both companies are giving employee discount to motivate employee which is more effective to retain employees. By following those procedures the two companies can get better in the domain knowing if it comes to keeping good employees working for them, and those solution that were mentioned above are measured as the best and the commonly used by professional and leading organizations around the world. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: One major area of the human resource functions of particular relevance to the effective use of human resource training and development. A number of academic people would argue against the significance of training as a main influence on the success of an organisation. Training works outside-in; education works inside-out. Therefore training is benefited for the organisation if they learn to be wise in how to use of an individuals capability and it helps to achieved business goals. Training has four main levels such as output training, task training, performance training and strategic training. However, these four main levels of need for any organisation for improve the skills. Different levels of training will required different time period based of staff capabilities. Training for change is important for the long-term survival of an organisation. Increasing importance is being placed both on the necessary for continual training to maintain change and on training as a very important investment for the future. THE BENEFITS OF TRAINING: The main reason of training is to develop knowledge and skills, and to change approach is one of the important motivational factors. This helps to many potential benefits for not only individuals but also organisation. The key benefits of training are as follows: Boost the self-confidence, motivation and loyalty of employee. Give recognition, increased responsibility, and the opportunity of employee promotion. Give a feeling of personal satisfaction and achievement, and broaden opportunity for career development and Assist to improve the availability and quality of employees. Finally it can say that Training is the main factors of organisational performance development. Tesco and ASDA both company giving more attention of the employee training as they know that it is the major issues for the employee developments which lead to the increase organisational performance achieved the goals. HR PERFORMANCE IS CURRENTLY INDICATED AND MONITORED: The organisational performance fully depends on human resource management activities (Ulrich 1997a) in the organisation. Employees are the key resource of the organisation. Therefore, HR will make a significant impact on company performance when a suitable HR strategies and procedures are developed and implemented effectively. Apparently Tesco and ASDA both companies focus on the HR activities which leads to increase the organisational performance. The HRM-performance model (Phillips, 1996b) is discussed as follows: Human resource measurement, demonstrating the link between HRM strategy and organisational performance needs the examination of some set of variables. The methodology for make sure high central strength would preferably allow a calculation of how different human resource management strategies or individual activities affect economic performance of the company at the same time as controlling other issues that might pressure those performance results. High internal validity indicates to the level to which the outcomes can be indiscriminate to conclude the impacts of human resource management practices (Bratton and Gold, 2007). Phillips (1996) model (see appendix I) is showing the relationship between HRM practices and organisational performance. Tesco and ASDA both companies HR performance is currently indicated and monitored by Phillips (1996) HRM-organisational performance. The human resource management added-value model is indicates the total relationship between three major elements. Human resource management Human resource performance measures, at both individual staff and work team levels. Organisational performance measures. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The human resource management element consists of HR strategy, policies, programmes, practices and system (see appendix I) which be present in work organisations and that impacts on staff and team performance, and cause effects individual and organisational performance (Bratton Gold, 2007). STAFF PERFORMANCE MEASURES: The second element of Phillips (1996) model (see appendix I) indicates the performance effects of human resource management, approximately in part by staff performance measures. Academicians have a few options to measuring individual employees and groups. Saks (2000) cited in Bratton Gold (2007) draws three measurements they are discussed as follows: Traits: Evaluating the individuals personal traits is more important, and it is one of the significant tasks of HRM. It may find out the employees loyalty or commitment to the organisation. Behaviours: It is focus on what employee does and does not do in the organisation such as absent from work, poor time-keeping and resigning from service. Outcomes: It focuses on the employee outcome in workplace during the time of workplace that helps to measure employee performance such as number of unit completed, accident level or customer complaints etc. Moreover, at present team work became more common in the organisation. According to Saks (2000) cited in Bratton Gold (2007) team performance is strongly influenced by four input variables for example team structure, team norms, team composition and team leadership; and process variables such as team working and team learnings which impacts on the team performance outcomes. ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Organisational performance depends on the individual employee and team work measurements (see the appendix I). According to the researchers cited in Bratton Gold (2007) discussed several organisational performance measures techniques such as labour productivity ratios, product and service quality, unit cost ratios, revenue productivity and return on investment (ROI). However, researchers also design organisation performance measures techniques on the basis of goal achievement. This technique is relying on four specific indicators such as profit-related directories, productivity, quality and perceptual measures of goal achievement. Bratton and Gold (2007) also states three important reasons for organisational outcomes measures: Employee-related outcomes as they are directly influenced by HR practices. Different rewards and training programmes are to influence on the employee outcomes. These outcomes such as productivity, quality and employee unit cost which can manipulate the organisations financial operational goals. The outcomes can manipulate the individual psychological contact as well as behaviour which involves with the outputs. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: Human resource management is a planned technique to managing employment relations which highlight that influencing peoples potentiality is critical to getting competitive advantage, this being achieve throughout a distinguishing set of incorporated employment policies, programmes and practices (Bratton 2007). Employees are the key driven force in any organisation. Organisational success depends on the employee performance. Discrimination in workplace plays psychological impact on the employees mind which may lead to negative impact on employee performance. Therefore, HR main duty is to most effective uses of human resources in organisation. They need to employ right person for the organisation and build up employee based on the current requirement by the training and development process. UK is a multi-cultural country. Different cultural people lives and come to shopping in the superstores. Consequently HR should be fair for all employees and keep in eye on the employees to make sure equal opportunity ground in workplace for each employee. To get potential benefit from the employee motivation is significant for the organisation. HR required to ensure reward systems to motivate employees. Tesco and ASDA both HRM is works for the business development. For that reason both company is continuously developing their system on the basis of current business trends. I recommend ASDA to follow the on job evaluation (OJE) system to recruit best person for the organisation. And both company need to focus on the skills development process and evaluation process which are linked to employee motivation. Finally it can say that human resource management has thought new prominence as concerns persevere about international competition, the development of technology and the productivity of employee (Bratton 2007) in both companies to increase business efficiency.

Monday, August 19, 2019

ONeill Cylinders Essay -- physics space

Science fiction authors for many years have written book after book exploring, as Star Trek described space, "the final frontier". While many people focus on the exploration side of space, there are some who believe that space is our next refuge. Stephen Hawking has said " I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years unless we spread into space". While some speak of moonbases, or planet-side bases, one of the most intriguing ideas is the O'Neill Cylinder. Gerard K. O'Neill created the O'Neill Cylinder in his book "The High Frontier". An O'Neill Cylinder consists of two cylinders which counter-rotate around each other, each one has a two mile (3 kilometer) radius, and a 20 mile (30 kilometer) length. The two cylinders counter-rotate to create simulated gravity by centripetal force: everything is pushed to the outer wall due to that force. However, some design choices stem from this, some to combat the negative effects, and others to take advantage the centripetal force. Due to the nature of artificial gravity, many people might experience nausea and dizziness. To combat this, the speed of rotation would need to be decreased to about two revolutions per minute. To take advantage of artificial gravity, different parts of the O'Neill Cylinder can rotate at different speeds. In the middle of the cylinder, the artificial gravity will be smaller than everywhere else in the cylinder, and manufacturing facilities would be placed here to take a dvantage of that fact. The cylinders themselves would have six sections on them, half of them are windows, the other half is the ground. Behind each window would be a mirror so they could direct the sunlight into the cylinder, while night could be simulated by simply moving ... ... an object is at a Lagrange Point, it acts much the same as a satellite that is in geosynchronous orbit with a planet. Things at a Lagrange point are at a "fixed" place in space, which is quite an advantage for O'Neill Cylinders. Bibliography Books: O'Neill, Gerard K. The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space 1997. Webpages: Cornish, Neil J. Lagrange Point Hall, Theodore Wayne:The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity Environments for Long-Duration Space Habitation Dyson, Freeman J. Life of Gerard K. O'Neill Baez, John. Lagrange Points Heppenheimer, T.A. Colonies in Spae: Chapter 2.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Moral Conflict in Antigone Essay -- World Literature Sophocles

The major moral conflict in Antigone by Sophocles is the conflict over which value is most fundamental. The play presents the moral conflict over whether the god's law or the city's law is more powerful. This seems to be the most prominent theme. The conflict arises mainly between the tragic heroes Antigone and her uncle-in-law Creon, King of Thebes. The city of Thebes had been through a war in which Antigone and her sister Ismene have lost both of their brothers to it, Eteocles and Polyneices. Eteocles's fighting for Thebes was buried and honored as a hero. (lines 24-26) Polyneices was left unburied and dishonored because he is considered an enemy of the city. (lines 27-32) Creon edicts that whoever broke the law by burying Polyneices will be considered a criminal. (lines 203-209) The conflict between Antigone and Creon arises when she decides she must honor her brother's death and gives him burial. (line 72) "I myself will bury him," she expressed to Ismene. Once Antigone has buried her brother, she is brought before King Creon to explain her actions. (p. 177) Sophocles presents the two sides of the conflict, moral law versus city law; Antigone expresses the side of moral law and Creon expresses his side with the laws of the city. Antigone begins by telling her sister Ismene it was her duty as a sister that she should bury her dead brother. It is a duty she owes to her family. She also expresses that the king will not "keep me from my own." In other words, duty to the family is above her duty to the city. Antigone also tells Ismene that she is willing to become a criminal and die for her beliefs. She believes her death will not be in vain, and it is honoring her family; and the gods, in turn, will recognize... ...Ismene confronts Creon and tells him she had a part in Polyneices burial. (line 537) She is willing now to join Antigone in her troubles and is not ashamed to admit it. (line 539) She is willing to join Antigone in death. In the case of Ismene, her character is able to resolve the conflict on her own. She realizes she is nothing without her family and Creon's laws have taken her family away. The conflict presented in Antigone involves all the characters and tragic heroes. Whether its internal conflict or conflict between two people, the theme is present throughout the entire play. Opposing views lead the main characters to take actions that eventually destroy all. Works Cited Sophocles. Antigone. Trans. Robert Fagles. Literature and the Writing Process. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X. Day, and Robert Funk. 6th. ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice, 2002.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Essay on the Animal

Animal Farm Essay Prompts Respond to ONE of the following prompts in a five-paragraph essay. Your body paragraphs must follow the shaping sheet. 1. Read the passage from Chapter VII that begins with â€Å"’Comrades! ’† cried Squealer,’† and ends â€Å"’Snowball’s secret agents are lurking among us at this moment! ’† Then, in a well-developed and organized essay, analyze how Squealer uses various persuasive techniques to manipulate the animals. 2. Read the passage from Chapter IV that begins at the beginning of the chapter and ends with â€Å"hearing in it a prophecy of their future doom. Then, in a well-developed and organized essay, discuss how the author uses various stylistic devices and selection of detail to comment on both historical events and human nature. 3. Analyze how Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin and the working class are satirized through the characters in Animal Farm. 4. Describe how the abuse of power causes three negative effects upon the animals of Animal Farm. 5. Choose three events from the novel and argue that they are representative of events occurring in Russia during its revolution and the reign of Joseph Stalin.Consider the following. †¢ The Rebellion/the Russian Revolution †¢ The failure of the windmill/Stalin’s Five Year Plans †¢ Executions of pigs and chickens/Stalin’s Great Purge †¢ The Battle of the Windmill/Germany’s invasion of Russia †¢ Napoleon’s use of dogs/Stalin’s use of the secret police †¢ Cruel winters on the farm/Soviet famine of the 1920’s ***** You need to use your novel AND one historical source for numbers 3 & 5***** Animal Farm Essay PromptsRespond to ONE of the following prompts in a five-paragraph essay. Your body paragraphs must follow the shaping sheet. 6. Read the passage from Chapter VII that begins with â€Å"’Comrades! ’,† cried Squealer,’† and ends â€Å"‘Snowball’s secret agents are lurking among us at this moment! ’† Then, in a well-developed and organized essay, analyze how Squealer uses various persuasive techniques to manipulate the animals. 7. Read the passage from Chapter IV that begins at the beginning of the chapter and ends with â€Å"hearing in it a prophecy of their future doom. Then, in a well-developed and organized essay, discuss how the author uses various stylistic devices and selection of detail to comment on both historical events and human nature. 8. Analyze how Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin and the working class are satirized through the characters in Animal Farm. 9. Describe how the abuse of power causes three negative effects upon the animals of Animal Farm. 10. Choose three events from the novel and argue that they are representative of events occurring in Russia during its revolution and the reign of Joseph Stalin.Consider the following. †¢ The Rebellion/the Russian Revolution †¢ The failure of the windmill/Stalin’s Five Year Plans †¢ Executions of pigs and chickens/Stalin’s Great Purge †¢ The Battle of the Windmill/Germany’s invasion of Russia †¢ Napoleon’s use of dogs/Stalin’s use of the secret police †¢ Cruel winters on the farm/Soviet famine of the 1920’s ***** You need to use your novel AND one historical source for numbers 3 & 5*****

Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary psychologists view human behavior and psychological traits as a result of evolutionary adaptation in response to reproductive needs – much like the concept of natural selection applied to reproduction, or sexual selection. Drawing from this perspective, evolutionary psychologists and professionals seek to explain the differences between male and female dating and mating rituals and sexual attitudes and how they have evolved throughout the centuries.For example, researchers employ the evolutionary perspective to discuss the differences in male and female promiscuity, aggressiveness, dominance, dating patterns, and the development of sexual attitudes – differences which seem to become less apparent in modern times than the more traditional sexual values expressed throughout history. Evolutionary psychologists would propose that differences between male and female promiscuity are a result of the evolving need to ensure reproduction.While traditional female sex ual attitudes and values are evolving and females are increasingly becoming more comfortable in expressing sexual aggression or dominance in modern times, these traditional differences may be explained from the standpoint of adaptation to reproductive demands as well. Women are more limited in reproductive opportunity than men, having a limited number of eggs and a limited amount of time in which to reproduce optimally, while men have a much more unlimited reproductive opportunity with hundreds of thousands of available sperm and a many more reproductively-viable years than women.Evolutionary psychologists would propose that the differences in sexual attitudes and behaviors among men and women are directly attributable to these reproductive differences as evidenced by the innate desire of men for sexual promiscuity, as compared to the highly selective manner of reproductive behavior among women.While the evolution of social attitudes towards female sexuality has produced an acceptan ce of evolving sexual behavior among women, evolutionary professionals propose that the innate differences between men and women with regard to parenting style, romantic behavior, preferences in sexual partners, and the extent to which looks and personality play a role in mating selection, are a result of evolutionary adaptations.Evolutionary psychology would propose that male and female sexual behavior is centered on the innate need to optimize reproductive opportunity – men being visually stimulated and aggressive in order to ensure a fertile mate and reproductive opportunity, while women express nurturance and attraction towards partners who can provide, ensuring survival of the family unit. These sexual and mating differences, according to evolutionary psychology, ensure the passing on of ones’ genes.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hewlett Packard Spying Scandal Essay

Corporate misconduct, (or people’s misconduct so to speak) is an issue that has been dominating headline news in the American business world in recent years. Theodore Roosevelt, one time U.S. president was probably right when he said, â€Å"To educate a person in mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society† (Platt, 1989). The American society has continued to suffer from corporate scandals, despite the fact that people are now better educated because behind each scandal and crisis is a possible lack of morals in the â€Å"educated people† running those corporations (Low et al, 2006). It should be noted that unethical behavior is not a new phenomenon in US business nor it is an issue of the US alone. Research Questions and Objectives The year 2002 witnessed the collapse of giants like Enron, Tyco, Arthur Anderson, WorldCom and less known cases like Morgan Stanley, Dupont and Prudential Financial amongst others all involved in one form of scandal or the other.   Such widespread corporate misbehaviors have left many people (including this writer) to wonder where things are going wrong. Should blame be placed on perceived weaknesses of legislation and accounting standards? Or is it that education is not producing the type of business graduates needed to prevent such scandals? (Low et al).  Ã‚   Do the misdeeds simply involve a few â€Å"bad apples†: a smattering of corporations that make the rest of American business look bad? Or is the problem much broader than that? Further, if it is a widespread issue, what needs to be done? (Clement R. May 2006). Such are the kind of questions this study is out to seek answers to in light of the Hewlett Packard Spying scandal of 2006. Conceptual Framework This section explains what the literature on business ethics suggests for achieving ethical behavior in an organization. It is hoped that this will lay a foundation for the analysis of the recent corporate misdeed of Hewlett Packard. Business Ethics: Business ethics, Black J. (2002) is the branch of ethics that studies what standards businesses should observe in their dealings over and above compliance with the letter of the law. This covers questions such as fair dealing with their labour force, customers, suppliers, and competitors, and the impact of their activities on public health, the environment, and animal welfare. If a good reputation helps to gain and retain business, ethical conduct need not necessarily conflict with profit, but there are bound to be cases where it does. Particularly difficult questions of business ethics arise in multinational firms, where practices such as gifts to officials, which are essential to doing business at all in some countries, are regarded as criminal in others. Previous research works on business ethics have pointed out some measures that can be taken within an organization to help foster a culture of ethical behavior. Many of these studies highlight the role that top management commitment plays in developing an ethical organizational culture. Weaver, Trevino and Cochran (1999) found that the commitment of top management is essential for ethical decision making to be integrated into a firm’s culture; in other words, management’s decisions and actions in promoting the program are more effective than making sure that the program addresses a long list of ethical issues. Trevino and Brown (2004) found that top executives must manage ethical conduct proactively by means of explicit ethical leadership and conscious management of the organization’s culture. To this end, they suggest that top managers should study the cultures of their organizations to see what ethical messages are being sent. The researchers also assert that executives should communicate the importance of ethics, reward ethical behavior, and model that behavior themselves. Holmes et al (2002) found that employees are more likely to engage in ethical behavior if top management is firm in its expectations of ethical behavior of all employees, including themselves (p. 97) while Harrington (1997) concluded that, to achieve ethical behavior, top management needs to gain social consensus through changes in organization culture and by encouraging employees to live up to their responsibilities. What constitutes â€Å"unethical† behavior? It is important to determine the types of corporate behavior to consider unethical, and to decide on the time period over which the data on that behavior should be gathered. Some types of behavior may seem unethical to certain individuals but not to others (Clement R, 2006).   He however identifies three conditions that seem to signal unethical behavior: – A plea of guilty by a firm to charges of misconduct; – by courts or government agencies against a firm as solid evidence of corporate misconduct, even if the firm is still appealing the ruling. – agreement by a firm to settle charges, often by paying a fine or agreeing to other restrictions on company behavior even if the firm is not required to admit guilt. The Hewlett Packard (HP) spying scandal Origins In a Newsweek report by Kaplan D, (2006), the confrontation at Hewlett-Packard started innocently enough in January 2006 when online technology site CNET published an article about the long-term strategy at HP and other information that could only come from a director quoting an anonymous HP source. HP’s chairwoman, Patricia Dunn, fed up with the ongoing leaks told another director she wanted know whom it was. According to an internal HP e-mail, Dun then took the extra ordinary step of authorizing a team of independent electronic-security experts to spy on the January 2006 communications of other 10 directors – not the records of calls (or emails) from HP itself, but the records of phone calls made from personal accounts. That meant calls from directors’ home and their private cell phones were intercepted. Dunn acted without informing the rest of the board and this caused a boardroom fury at the world’s largest technology company. In a related story by Sakuma P. (2007), the HP boardroom-spying scheme erupted into a national scandal , September 2006, after the company disclosed that detectives it hired obtained the private phone records of directors, employees and 9 journalists in an effort to ferret out the source of media leaks. The scandal also introduced the world to â€Å"pretexting,† a shady tactic in which detectives used other people’s Social Security numbers to fool telephone companies into divulging detailed call logs. In an interview with Newsweek, Dunn said she didn’t know that the investigation would reach such heights. Consequences In two separate press releases, HP announced a number of moves that was an outcome of 2 days of teleconferences among the board. – Patricia Dunn was to step down as chairwoman. – CEO Mark Hurd will replace her. – George Keyworth, the longest serving director and one who leaked information to a CNET reporter that led to HP’s investigation was to resign immediately. – Richard Hackborn, who served on the board since 1992 would become â€Å"lead independent director†. – A criminal investigation against Patricia Dunn, Kevin Hunsaker, HP’s former ethics chief who allegedly directed the probe, and 3 private investigators was started on 4 counts: use of false or fraudulent pretenses to obtain confidential information from a public utility; unauthorized access to computer data; identity theft; and conspiracy to commit each of those crimes. Each charge carried a fine of up to 10,000 dollars and 3 years in prison. How and Why HP successfully overcame this scandal Testifying before a congressional in September 2006, Dunn said she was repeatedly reassured by HP’s lawyers about the legality of its detectives’ subterfuge. In a Business Week report, November 2006, a state judge Cunningham in California dropped the above charges against ex-Hewlett-Packard Chair Patricia Dunn after she pleaded guilty. The court however did not accept the pleas of the other three defendants and offered to dismiss the charges against them if they met two conditions – by Sept. 12   2006, they must serve 96 hours of community service and complete any court-filed restitution requests made by victims. In a related story by CNN’s Katy Byron, (September, 2006), the court dismissed Dunn’s charge because of her cancer battle, according to the attorney general’s office. The dismissal came â€Å"not because she’s innocent but because she is sick,† attorney general’s spokesman Barankin told CNN. Dunn had breast cancer in 2000 and melanoma in 2002 and was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2004 and is still battling it. She also underwent extensive surgery last year after doctors discovered a malignant tumor in her liver. In a CNBC news report (september 2006) Hewlett Packard agreed to pay $14.5 million to settle the lawsuit brought by California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, whose office accused the company of unfair business practices in its attempts to unmask the source of boardroom leaks. HP also implemented changes to its corporate governance policies to ensure that future internal investigations are conducted legally. There was no finding of liability against HP. The settlement includes an injunction and agreement that the California Attorney General will not pursue civil claims against HP or against its current and former directors, officers and employees. The vast majority of the settlement — $13.5 million — will fund state and local investigations into privacy rights and intellectual property violations, Lockyer said in a statement. The personal efforts of new HP chairman and CEO, Mark Hurd also contributed greatly to HP’s successfull exit from the scandal. He says â€Å"We are pleased to settle this matter with the Attorney General and are committed to ensuring that HP regains its standing as a global leader in corporate ethics and responsibility†. The company shareholders rejected a proposal that would have given investors the right to nominate directors to HP’s board. About 39 percent of HP shares entitled to vote at the company’s annual shareholder meeting favored the measure, which was supported by funds including Calpers, the largest U.S. pension fund, and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, the No. 3 fund. The above factors culminated in a slight stock price increase of HP in September 2006 despite the fact that September 2006 was a rocky month for the company. Its stock actually rose a bit that month, ending at $36.69. It has since climbed to nearly $40 as HP continues to perform strongly in the PC and printer markets. HP today has regained its leading position as the worlds number one technology company. The Role of Business Ethics in this Success The conceptual framework of this study laid some guidelines on how to identify when a company behavior should be considered ethical or not. In the context of the widely publicized Hewlett Packard spying scandal discussed above, there is no plea of guilt by the firm nor by Patricia Dunn and the other defendents to charges of misconduct, we haven’t seen a ruling against either the Carlifornia court that handled the case nor the Securities and Exchange Commissions against HP for unethical behavior. However, HP agreed to settle charges of $14.5 million to close the case and save the goodwill of the Silicon Valley icon. The payment, by ethical standards could be considered a fine, which is an evidence of unethical behavior, by a firm. HP’s intention, perhaps, as we have seen was to save the company’s image and probably in compliance with a court injunction or lawyer’s advice. Taking a look at HP’s Standards of Business Conduct, (SBC) , we find that it embodies the fundamental principles that govern   ethical and legal obligations to HP. They pertain not only to conduct within the company but also to conduct involving HP’s customers, channel partners, suppliers and competitors. ( As a business, remaining profitable and viable is a must for Hewlett Packard though this is not the only concern for the company. HP seeks uncompromising integrity through what each individual can contribute — to its customers, co-workers, company and communities. HP’s business success is dependent on trusting relationships. Its reputation is founded on the personal integrity of the company’s personnel and its dedication to the principles of: ( – Honesty in communicating within the company and with its business partners, suppliers and customers, while at the same time protecting the company’s confidential information and trade secrets. – Excellence in its products and services, by striving to provide high-quality products and services to its customers – Responsibility for its words and actions – Compassion in its relationships with employees and the communities affected by company business – Citizenship in observance of all the laws of any country in which the company does business, respect for environmental concerns and service to the community by improving and enriching community life. – Fairness to our fellow employees, stakeholders, business partners, customers and suppliers through adherence to all applicable laws, regulations and policies, and a high standard of behavior. – Respect for fellow employees, stakeholders, business partners, customers and suppliers while showing willingness to solicit their opinions and value their feedback. Conclusion From the above, we can say that Dunn’s investigation into the leak was simply in compliance with the first principle (Honesty) of the company’s code of ethics. Her intentions were clear from the outset – to probe into an alleged boardroom leak while at the same time respecting the principles of respect and fairness (last two principles) in the investigation. That in itself shouldn’t have been a scandal. It is the methods of the investigation – pretexting that raised controversy and finally erupted into a scandal. Patricia Dunn was able to prove before congress and the courts that such an act was carried out without her knowledge, though she acknowledged that an investigation was going on, which in itself complied with company ethics.